Popular actress Hina Khan is currently battling breast cancer. Recently, she took to social media to share the scars from her chemotherapy sessions. In the photo she posted, she is seen wearing a T-shirt with the inspiring message, “Good Times Ahead.”
Hina first revealed her cancer diagnosis in June this year. Since being diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, she has been taking small but significant steps each day towards recovery. Hina has been actively updating her fans about her health journey.
On June 28, Hina shared on social media that she is battling Stage 3 breast cancer. In her post, she wrote, “Amidst the recent rumors, I want to share some important information. I am in Stage 3 of breast cancer.”
Hina’s courageous journey and her positive outlook have been a source of inspiration for many. She continues to fight the disease with determination and grace, keeping her fans informed and motivated through her updates.